
Rigol DSA815-TG 1.5GHz Spectrum Analyser with Tracking Generator

(52 customer reviews)

Original price was: £1021.00.Current price is: £758.00. (£909.60 inc VAT)

4 in stock (can be backordered)

Availability: Stock models delivered next working day (UK only) for orders placed before 16:30 (Mon - Fri)


Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser

The DSA815-TG has a Minimum Resolution Bandwidth of 10Hz and a Frequency Range of 9kHz to 1.5GHz. The Rigol DSA800 series of spectrum analysers are small, light weight, easy to use and great value for money. The quality, performance and features of these instruments, including the high definition colour LCD display and various remote communication interfaces, make these spectrum analysers highly versatile – Ideal for various environments such as R&D laboratories, education, manufacturing and the home-lab of the electronics enthusiast.
A Rigol DSA800 series spectrum analyser, Rigol S1210 EMI pre-compliance test PC software and the TEKBOX range of EMC pre-compliance test equipment (near-field probes, LISNs and TEM cells) form a powerful and affordable system for EMC pre-compliance tests – An effective de-risking strategy, potentially saving a small fortune and project delays due to re-tests at an EMC Test House.

Choose a Rigol DSA800 spectrum analyser with built-in tracking generator and you’ll have the capability of making (forward and reverse) transmission measurements (e.g. Measuring the frequency response of filters or amplifiers). Add a Rigol VSWR Bridge and you’d have the additional capability of measuring input or output return loss (e.g. Impedance matching and antenna tuning). The Rigol DSA800 series spectrum analysers have several other options available to enhance the capability and user experience even further. Whatever configuration you choose, we think that you’ll be impressed by the powerful combination of quality, performance, functionality and value for money.


  • Frequency range from 9kHz to 1.5GHz
  • Built-in tracking generator
  • Displayed average noise level (DANL) <-155dBm/Hz typ. with preamplifier on
  • Minimum resolution bandwidth (RBW) 10Hz
  • Phase noise <-80dBc/Hz @10kHz offset
  • Level measurement uncertainty <1.5dB nom.
  • AM/FM demodulation function
  • 8″ (800 x 480) high-definition display
  • Linear and logarithmic frequency axis
  • Connectivity: LAN(LXI), USB Host & Device
  • PictBridge support
  • Compact size and light weight
  • Supplied with… UK & European mains leads, quick guide
  • Optional PC software… Ultra Spectrum, S1210 EMI Pre-Compliance Test
  • Other options include… VSWR bridge (1MHz to 3.2GHz), EMI filter & quasi-peak detector, advanced measurement functions, signal seamless capture, USB to GPIB module, rack mount kit, soft carry bag, RF transmitter demo kit, RF receiver demo kit, RCL Standard Calibration

Rigol DSA800 Spectrum Analyser Comparison Table

ModelFrequency RangeMinimum Resolution Bandwidth (RBW)Maximum CW RF PowerSSB Phase Noise (@ 10kHz Offset)DANL, Preamplifier OFF (Typ. 5MHz – 1.5GHz)DANL, Preamplifier ON (Typ. 5MHz – 1.5GHz)PreamplifierTracking Generator
DSA8159kHz – 1.5GHz10Hz20dBm (100mW)<-80dBc/Hz<-135dBm/Hz<-155dBm/HzStandardNo
DSA815-TG9kHz – 1.5GHz10Hz20dBm (100mW)<-80dBc/Hz<-135dBm/Hz<-155dBm/HzStandardYes
DSA8329kHz – 3.2GHz10Hz20dBm (100mW)<-98dBc/Hz<-144dBm/Hz<-161dBm/HzStandardNo
DSA832-TG9kHz – 3.2GHz10Hz20dBm (100mW)<-98dBc/Hz<-144dBm/Hz<-161dBm/HzStandardYes
DSA832E9kHz – 3.2GHz10Hz20dBm (100mW)<-90dBc/Hz<-140dBm/Hz<-158dBm/HzStandardNo
DSA832E-TG9kHz – 3.2GHz10Hz20dBm (100mW)<-90dBc/Hz<-140dBm/Hz<-158dBm/HzStandardYes
DSA8759kHz – 7.5GHz10Hz20dBm (100mW)<-98dBc/Hz<-144dBm/Hz<-161dBm/HzStandardNo
DSA875-TG9kHz – 7.5GHz10Hz20dBm (100mW)<-98dBc/Hz<-144dBm/Hz<-161dBm/HzStandardYes

Product Videos


Frequency RangeDSA815: 9kHz to 1.5GHz
DSA832: 9kHz to 3.2GHz
DSA875: 9kHz to 7.5GHz
DSA832E: 9kHz to 3.2GHz
Frequency Resolution1Hz
Internal Reference Frequency
Reference frequency10MHz
Accuracy± [(time since last adjustment × aging rate) + temperature stability +
calibration accuracy]
Initial calibration accuracy<1 ppm
Temperature stability0℃ to 50℃ , reference to 25℃
DSA815: <2 ppm
DSA832: <0.5 ppm
DSA875: <0.5 ppm
DSA832E: <1 ppm
Aging RateDSA815: <2 ppm/year
DSA832: <1 ppm/year
DSA875: <1 ppm/year
DSA832E: <2 ppm/year
Frequency Readout Accuracy
Marker Resolutionspan/ (number of sweep points – 1)
Marker Uncertainty± (frequency indication × frequency reference uncertainty + 1% × span + 10% × resolution
bandwidth + marker resolution)
Frequency Counter
Resolution1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz
Uncertainty± (frequency indication × reference frequency accuracy + counter resolution)
Frequency Span
Range0 Hz, 100 Hz to maximum frequency of instrument
Uncertainty±span/ (number of sweep points – 1)
Measurement Range
Rangefc ≥ 10 MHz
DANL to +20 dBm
Maximum Input Level
DC Voltage50V
CW RF Powerattenuation = 30 dB
+20 dBm (100 mW)
Max. Damage Level+30dBm (1W)
Level Display
Logarithmic level axis1 dB to 200 dB
Linear level axis0 to reference level
Number of display points601
Number of traces3 + math trace
Trace detectorsnormal, positive-peak, negative-peak, sample, RMS, voltage average
quasi-peak (with EMI-DSA800 option)
Trace functionsclear write, max hold, min hold, average, view, blank
Units of level axisdBm,dBmV, dBμV, nV, μV, mV, V, nW, μW, mW, W
Input / Output
Front Panel Connectors
RF Inputimpedance 50 Ω (nom.)
connector N female
Tracking Generator Outputimpedance 50 Ω (nom.)
connector N female
Internal / External Reference
Internal ReferenceFrequency 10 MHz
Output level +3 dBm to +10 dBm, +8 dBm (typ.)
Impedance 50 Ω (nom.)
Connector BNC female
External ReferenceFrequency 10 MHz ±5 ppm
Input level 0 dBm to +10 dBm
Impedance 50 Ω (nom.)
Connector BNC female
External Trigger Input
External Trigger InputImpedance 1 kΩ (nom.)
Connector BNC female
Communication Interface
USB HostConnector: A plug
Protocol: version2.0
USB DeviceConnector: B plug
Protocol: version2.0
LANLXI core 2011 device: 10/100Base, RJ-45
General Specifications
Resolution800 x 480 pixels
Size8 inch
Colours64 k
Power Supply
Input voltage range, AC100 V to 240 V (nom.)
AC supply frequency45 Hz to 440 Hz
Power consumption35 W (typ.), max. 50 W with all options
temperature range: 0℃ to 50℃
temperature range: -20℃ to 70℃
Humidity0℃ to 30℃ ≤95% rel. humidity
30℃ to 40℃ ≤75% rel. humidity
AltitudeOperating height up to 3,000m


Specifications are liable to change. For the full list of Specifications, please see the products datasheet located under the ‘Documentation’ tab.

52 reviews for Rigol DSA815-TG 1.5GHz Spectrum Analyser with Tracking Generator

  1. Ian R

    After resolving a ‘blip’ with the on-line ordering process, my Rigol DSA815-TG is proving to be a superb investment.
    Something worth mentioning too…
    Although the manual clearly states that the lower frequency limit for the tracking generator is 100KHz, my experience is that it works just fine down to 50KHz, with the level beginning to drop off below 45KHz.

  2. Rex L

    Fast and efficient. Thanks

  3. Anonymous

    Needed a SA for emc pre compliance and filter alignment – DSA815 on paper excellent price/performance.

    Telonic great service, fast delivery.

    DSA815 performs well, has very good user interface and is very easy to use, very happy!

  4. David C

    Rigol DSA815-TG 1.5GHz Spectrum Analyser with Trac
    An excellent piece of test equipment, much better made than I thought it would be. and a compact size.
    Excellent service and delivery.

  5. Paul M

    First Class Service
    Highly professional, friendly staff. Easy online ordering. Same day dispatch. With a great product range. What more is there to say!

  6. Den

    Great service
    Ordered 2pm Tuesday, delivered 10 am next day. Thanks for great service.

  7. John

    I was pleasantly surprised by the small size. The N type to other coaxial connectors was useful – Having two N to BNC adaptors would have helped me.
    The support questions and answers were very helpful.

  8. Michael S

    Can’t fault the service! Delighted with the 815TG. On-line data is helpful too.

  9. George F

    Great test kit
    This is my fourth piece of Rigol kit. All purchased from the fine people at Telonic. I spoke to the guys at the national hamfest last year. The are very knowledgable and friendly. I am very happy with the equipment and service. Delivery is fast and everything well packed.

  10. DALE H

    Superb low priced spectrum analyser
    After a lot of hunting I finally settled on the Rigol DSA815-TG . I’d been quoted silly prices for second hand units at well over twice the price of the Rigol and with much lower spec.
    This unit does everything I want of it and I couldn’t say fairer than that

  11. Trevor J

    Rigol DSA815-TG 1.5GHz Spectrum Analyser with Trac
    Great service from Rigol UK

    An excellent piece of test equipment, much better made than I thought it would be. But they are an OEM for other more well known makes.

  12. Graham A

    Instrument with good build quality
    Early days but the unit is well built solid and appears straightforward to use. Will need several weeks of use with a test bed to be sure of actual performance

  13. Thomas S

    Bought the DSA815TG over 3 years ago and I use it every day. Best bit of kit I have ever purchased.

  14. David B

    great service
    Excellent service and analyzer excellent value for the money

  15. Mark B

    very nice. Shame about the cost of SW addons.
    Works over the spectrum it says it does. All the features work nicely. Scan rate (DSA815-TG) about 1 per second over full (1.5Ghz range) scales up if you reduce the scan range. That’s at default setting can be slowed down a lot if you mess about with RBW and VBW but at its price point its fine. (for me Quasi-Peak detection makes it so slow its unusable. Which given that costs £512 as a SW add on).

    Only complaint has to be the cost of SW add on features. £1400 instrument SW add ons £512 £477 £446 = £1435. (and as said one is all but useless). Maybe on its £7500 big sister that’s proportional but not on the £1400 815.
    I think you get 40Hr trials. But that’s on time not feature used time. So I know not to buy the Quasi one. The others useful but at that price point?

    Overall. Very happy. Looking forward to trying the near field probes I ordered today.

  16. Robert D

    DSA815 -TG
    It is an absolute bargain and I cannot see how RIGOL have produced it at the price. Well made, with good quality components. The display resolution is excellent and I have not found any spurious responses either, across the full spectrum. Very easy to use.
    The TG performance is good with very little ripple or roll off across the full spectrum. In the zero span mode you can use the TG as a RF signal generator.

    The .pdf manual is very thorough, but the hypertext linking from the contents pages does not extend to the index , which would have been useful. The format is wrong in places i.e. under the Front panel controls section, it describes the REAR panel USB socket
    Ordering and delivery was a pleasure with helpful staff at Telonic and delivery in a 1 hour slot, next day, by DPD’s Interlink service. All in all,
    I would recommend the DSA815-TG to anyone. Superb for professional or Amateur Radio work

  17. Charles L

    Purchased the Spectrum analyser with the TEKBOX near field prob set for some pre compliance work.
    Telonic were very helpful and they had stock.

  18. pete s

    DSA815TG first tests
    Delivery was excellent, packaging good – seems to perform quite well compared to old HP4395A – certainly great value for looking at EMI issues

  19. Louis S

    Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyzer
    I am very happy with my Rigol Spectrum Analyzer. Is easy to use and the function keys give quick access to setting the required trace. I have been using it to check harmonic frequencies of frequency standards and test the effectiveness of some analog filters. Very happy with the service and quick response of Telonic Instruments who supplied the unit and also made sure that it had the latest firmware installed.

  20. Raymond P

    I bought my first Rigol DSA815-TG back in 2013 from Telonic, I was so impressed with the DSA and it’s functions, you can’t beat it for “Bang for your buck” valve. One day the wolf came knocking at my door and the DSA had to go, well i say “wolf” i really mean Wife!.

    The team at Telonic are excellent and reply to any inquires and resolve any issues quickly, so when it came time to get a new replacement DSA the choice was easy.. TELONIC.. Thanks guys.. and ladies


  21. Ian E S

    Rigol DSA815-TG
    Excellent order process with regular updates.

    Expereince marred by use of courier without timed tracking. First order arrived at 14:30 and the second order, two days later tried to deliver mid morning which was unexpected and I was not at home. A delivery service with timed tracking as offered by other couriers would avoid missed deliveries?
    However, a great service with keen pricing. Will recommend and purchase from Telonic in future.

  22. Stuart

    Bought one for work to use on the bench for broadcast and communications radio work.

    Compared with the Agilent Fieldfox I use on site, this certainly holds its own – excellent piece of test equipment, solidly made and accurate too. Can’t be beaten for the price – gives the more expensive stuff a run for its money which is less the typical Agilent repair cost…

    Service from Telonic is excellent as well, quick delivery and shipped to the Isle of Man for a sensible price.

    So good, I bought another one with my own money…

  23. Stuart

    DSA815-TG Power Sweep
    The service from Telonic was excellent. However the power sweep does not work, this is disappointing in a new instrument. The forums report this is a Firmware issue, I hope it can be resolved in the next revision.


    Telonic comment: Thanks for the feedback – This issue has been fixed in the latest firmware release, 00.01.13.

  24. G4VUX

    Spectrum Analyser DSA815TG
    As a retired RF Design Engineer and licensed radio amateur, I wanted a spectrum analyser for my home workshop. The DSA815TG fits the bill perfectly for my homebrew activities. Operation is highly intuitive and performance is outstanding.

    The purchasing process went very smoothly with excellent communication and delivery was within a pre-arranged time slot.

    Thanks to all involved, Graham de G4VUX

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser

  25. MIKE

    815TG spectrum analyser
    What a great piece of kit for the money!!
    Excellent next day delivery
    Never used one before but had it checking for spurious tx
    Freqs and harmonics on my ham radio transceivers within
    5 mins!
    Lots of menu functions
    My only grip is that I like a comprehensive paper manual
    As I don’t like reading PDF manuals on screen ( but that’s me)
    If your looking for a spec cry analyser then look no further
    Mike G4VPD

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG oscilloscope.

  26. John

    DSA815 -TG
    This is my first Spectrum Analyser. In the short time I have had to explore the facilities this instrument offers, I have been Very impressed.
    I am still getting used to its operation, but as it is user friendly hopefully it will not take to long.

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  27. Stuart

    Excellent friendly service from Telonic Instruments. My spectrum analyser arrived on the specified day.

    I am very pleased with my purchase.

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  28. Chris

    Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser
    I am only just starting to fully grasp operating the Spectrum Analyser, but initial reaction is very positive. Small size and great value for money. Not the ultimate resolution of my ancient Marconi analyser but so much more “on screen” data and greater accuracy and ease of use.
    Delivery was fast and well packaged, with the security of buying from a UK company.
    I am seriously considering upgrading my Digital Scope in the near future with a Rigol one.

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  29. Gwyn G

    Rigol DSA815-TF excels
    Even for a serious hobbyist, this was a major purchase, but one I’m very pleased to have made. The many short video tutorials available online for this instrument, as well as its manual and review articles convinced me that this was the instrument for me. Telonic were brilliant in keeping me posted on when new stock was expected, they were spot on in their delivery estimate.
    For a novice user, the menu trees do need practice to gain full familiarity, but the structure is quite logical. Immediate use has been debugging ring mixers, and the instrument has proved a dream – how did I manage without?

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  30. Robin C

    Excellent service, fast delivery and easy transaction. Can’t fault it.

    Robin G4NDM

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  31. derrick m

    review dsa815-tg
    easy to order online,

    shipping was fast and problem free.

    unit is easy to operate and clear instructions provided.

    does exactly what it says on the tin.

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  32. Keith L

    DSA815-TG is an excellent instrument
    The Spectrum Analyser is built solidly, boots up quickly and has an easy to use interface for all the essential operations. Having taken it into work and compared the spectrum and filter measurements against expensive lab gear, I am very impressed.

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  33. Mr M. A

    DSA 815 TG
    So far so good! Early days yet but the product arrived safely, promptly and well packaged. Spectrum analyser is a quality product. The built in tracking generator is cheap and cheerful but the normalization function takes care of the TG vagaries which are well within spec. for all that. Solidly built & a useful addition to my electronics gear

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  34. Jeremy C

    After much research looking for an affordable spectrum analyser, the Rigol DSA815-TG kept coming up as the best of the bunch. As always, going through the official distributer channel is the best, and Rigol-Uk (Telonic) sorted everything out with fast delivery and everything tested.

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Anlayser.

  35. Peter B

    Rigol DSA 815
    No hassle ordering. Quick (next day) delivery, promised within a 1 hour time-slot which was met. Very well packed.

    On opening the box slightly disappointed to see a EU style mains lead – but looked again and there was also a UK mains lead!

    The instrument itself seems simple, straightforward and intuitive to operate and far more convenient (in both size and weight) than the some of the second hand monsters I’ve seen on the net.

    This will be a very useful addition to my shack test gear.

    Peter Burden G3UBX

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  36. Paul K

    Rigol DSA815-TG
    An excellent product: full of functionality and very easy to use straight from the box, the old HP8558B can finally be retired !!!

    Similar quality of service from Telonic: very prompt response with excellent communications throughout the transaction.

    Many Thanks,

    Paul Knight

    (Chartered Engineer & life-long radio amateur)

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  37. Anthony P

    Rigol Spectrum Analyser with Tracking Generator
    Excellent service. One phone call and delivered following day.

    The unit is a lot easier to use and transport compared to my old
    HP8959A !!!!!

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  38. Andrew H

    DSA815TG Analyser
    Very pleased with this unit, does all that I require and more for the excellent price. Very intuitive software, have not had to use the manual yet. Also performs well in my vehicle with a DC/AC inverter for transmitter and EMC testing.

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  39. Nicolas P

    Rigol DSA815-TG
    Excellent instrument, well constructed and good value.

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  40. Tim M

    Rigol DSA815-TG
    This is proving an excellent instrument for the price. It is well engineered and has the feel of a premium manufacturer.
    So I have not been able to fault it.

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  41. Alan M

    Rigol DSA815TG
    What an instrument !
    I was thinking about buying an old ‘Big Name’ analyser (Ebay etc.), but this thing does all I want ++
    May I suggest to anyone looking for a spectrum analyser that they seriously consider the Rigol with tracking generator.
    There are also several tutorials on youtube about this instrument to introduce you to its capabilities.

    Alan (retired electronics engineer)

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser.

  42. Gordon R

    Review ……
    Delivered very efficiently …
    Very pleased with the Analyser , solid and very use-able ….
    I would recommended to others .

    be interested as to whether Rigol could make this usable from a car lighter socket ?

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DSA815-TG Spectrum Analyser

  43. DAVID T

    Good communications – G3OUA (UK)
    I was very impressed with RGOL-uk’s next-day speed of delivery and the e-mail communication…
    About the DSA815-TG: I find it very easy to use and the tracking generator is an excellent addition, especially for viewing and adjusting band pass filters. The resolution and video bandwidths of 100Hz are excellent for viewing intermod products especially when using a two tone test to check amplifier linearity.
    Many thanks again for your excellent service. Dave Tarr G3OUA

  44. Dave T

    new RIGOL DSA815-TG Spectrum analyser
    I was very impressed with the next day speed of delivery [of my DSA815-TG spectrum analyser from Telonic Ltd.] and the e-mail communication. Dave Tarr G3OUA

  45. Keith P

    my visit
    My visit was very good..nice coffee and friendly Dave..I am sure if I have a problem they will help…I have not had the product long enough to make
    a serious comment..a long learning curve for me. But I gather many people in the USA think it is very good value and I saw a video of the thing being taken apart and the build seemed very good indeed..almost military stuff.

    Keith Phillips…G1 POJ

  46. Barry U

    Excellent spectrum analyser / tracking generator at the right price.

    The only extremely annoying thing is several software trial licences are installed for a limited time. I have no idea what these are, so will have to wait and see what stops working once they time out. Hopefully this will not affect any functions that I need to use. Would be 5 stars if not for this.

    Thank you… we welcome constructive feedback: often it can help us as we try to serve future customers better –
    – With the hope of providing the best possible experience, we added to our out-of-box info, suggesting ways you can see any Trial options that may be included.
    – And helpful suggestions like “make sure you check how many hours are remaining on any Trials options”.
    Before seeing this feedback, we had also updated our UK Knowledge Base (click yellow SUPPORT on our home page to give more details about this or see:

    P.S. If interested to see more UK RIGOL user feedback, please check out

  47. James O

    I had the DS815-TG demonstrated to me by another radio amateur friend and was so impressed, I decided to buy one.
    Excellent value for money considering it is a professional standard instrument.
    The service received from Telonic was very good too, the analyser being delivered on time the day after ordering.

  48. Paul C

    Excellent product
    Just walking my way around the Spectrum Analyser and I am very impressed with its performance for its price.

    I use a lot of HP gear at my job and the Rigol DSA815 is as easy to use and offers many of the functions the much more expensive HP equipment provides.

    Really pleased I bought this as I can do much more at home to check / develop my designs.

  49. Christopher E

    Spectrum Analyser
    A great product at a good price, communication and delivery first class

  50. Stuart

    Unbeatable at this price point. Unlike the products of many other non-premium brands, this feels like a quality piece of kit. It meets its specifications and is very easy to use. I would strongly recommend ordering the version with the inbuilt tracking generator; for my application this was an absolute requirement, and it adds surprisingly little to the cost of the instrument.

    The instrument was delivered quickly and packaged well. I will definitely use Telonic/Rigol-UK again in future.

  51. Rob M

    DSA815TG one of the best displays I’ve seen…
    …I’m very pleased with my DSA815-TG from
    Has one of the best displays I’ve seen, on any Analyser or Scope and outstanding for the price.

    I called the UK Team and they were also able to confirm some of my own reliable measurements – very helpful to have a UKSales phone number.

    Thank you!

    Rob M, Luton UK and Licensed Radio Amatuer

  52. Paul

    Cant beat it for the price
    Amazing machine for the price. Plus, buy it from here at less than Chinese ebayers. Next day delivery, good service, what more can you want?

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