Rigol DS1102E 100MHz Digital Oscilloscope

(19 customer reviews)

£373.00 (£447.60 inc VAT)

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Rigol DS1102E Digital Oscilloscope
The Rigol DS1102E, 100MHz, 1GSa/s, 2-channel digital oscilloscope offers excellent value for money. It’s features include; a memory depth of 1Mpts, versatile trigger functions, maths functions including the FFT and digital filters, record and replay, roll mode, alternate trigger mode and pass / fail test. Several options are available – Please refer to the “Optional Accessories” tab above.

This Rigol oscilloscope is also available with a built-in logic analyser (DS1102D).


  • 100MHz bandwidth, 2 channels
  • 1GSa/s real time sample rate
  • Memory depth up to 1Mpts
  • Versatile trigger functions
  • 5.7″ QVGA (320 x 240) display
  • Waveform record and replay function
  • Built-in FFT and digital filters
  • Pass/fail test
  • PictBridge support
  • Connectivity: USB Host & Device, RS232
  • Supplied with… 2-off passive probes (150MHz), USB cable, UK & European mains leads, quick guide
  • Options include… USB-GPIB module, soft carry bag, Telonic Standard Calibration, RCL 17025 Calibration


Sampling ModesReal-Time
Sampling Rate1GSa/s, 200MSa/s
AveragesN time acquisitions, all channels simultaneously, N is selectable from 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256.
Input CouplingDC, AC, GND
Input Impedance1MΩ± 2%, in parallel with 15pF± 3pF
Probe Attenuation Factors1X, 5X, 10X, 50X, 100X, 500X,1000X
Maximum Input Voltage400V (DC+AC Peak, 1MΩ input impedance)
40V (DC+AC Peak)
Time Delay Between Channel (typical)500ps
Sample Rate RangeReal-Time: 13.65Sa/s-1GSa/s
Equivalent: 13.65Sa/s-25GSa/s
Waveform InterpolationSin(x)/x
Scan Speed Range2ns/div~50s/div, DS1102X
5ns/div~50s/div, DS1052X
1-2-5 Sequence
Sample Rate and Delay Time± 50ppm (over any 1ms time interval)
Delta Time Measurement Accuracy (Full Bandwidth)Single-shot: ± (1 sample interval + 50ppm × reading + 0.6 ns)
>16 averages: ± (1sample interval + 50ppm × reading + 0.4 ns)
A/D Converter8-bit resolution, each channel samples simultaneously[2]
Volts/div Range2mV/div~10V/div at input BNC
Maximum InputAnalog channel maximum input voltage
CAT I 300Vrms, 1000Vpk;instantaneous voltage 1000Vpk CAT II 100Vrms,1000Vpk
RP2200 10:1:CAT II 300Vrms RP3200 10:1:CAT II 300Vrms RP3300 10:1:CAT II 300Vrms
Offset Range± 40V(200mV-10V), ± 2V(2mV-100mV)
Analogue Bandwidth100MHz (DS1102D,DS1102E)
50MHz (DS1052D, DS1052E)
Single-shot Bandwidth80MHz (DS1102D, DS1102E)
50MHz (DS1052D, DS1052E)
Selectable Analog Bandwidth Limit (typical)20MHz
Lower Frequency Limit (AC –3dB)≤5Hz (at input BNC)
Rise Time at BNC, typical<3.5ns, <7ns,
On (100M, 50M) respectively
DC Gain Accuracy2mV/div-5mV/div:
± 4% (Sample or Average acquisition mode) 10mV/div-10V/div:
± 3% (Sample or Average acquisition mode)
DC Measurement Accuracy, Average Acquisition ModeAverage of ≥16 Waveforms with vertical position at zero: ± (DC Gain Accuracy× reading+0.1div+1mV)
Average of ≥16 Waveforms with vertical position not at zero: ±[DC Gain Accuracy× (reading+vertical position)+(1% of vertical position) + 0.2div]
Add 2mV for settings from 2mV/div to 200 mV/div
Delta Volts Measurement Accuracy (Average Acquisition Mode)Delta Volts between any two averages of 16 waveforms acquired under same setup and ambient
conditions: ± (DC Gain Accuracy× reading + 0.05 div)
Trigger Sensitivity0.1div~1.0div (adjustable)
Trigger Level RangeInternal: ± 5 divisions from center of screen
External: ± 1.2V
Trigger Level Accuracy (typical) applicable for the signal of rising and falling time ≥20nsInternal: ± (0.3div × V/div)(± 4 divisions from center of screen)
External: ± (6% of setting + 200 mV)
Trigger OffsetNormal mode: pre-trigger (262144/ sampling rate), delayed trigger 1s
Slow Scan mode: pre-trigger 6div, delayed trigger 6div
Trigger Holdoff range100ns~1.5s
Set Level to 50% (Typical)Input signal frequency ≥50Hz
Edge trigger slopeRising, Falling, Rising + Falling
Trigger condition(>, <, =) Positive pulse, (>, <, =) negative pulse
Pulse Width range20ns ~10s
Video standard & line frequencySupport standard NTSC, PAL and SECAM broadcast systems. Line number range: 1~525 (NTSC) and 1~625 (PAL/SECAM)
Trigger condition(>, <, =) Positive slope, (>, <, =) negative slope
Time setting20ns~10s
Trigger on CH1Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope
Trigger on CH2Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope
Trigger modeD0~D15 select H, L, X, ,
Trigger TypeD0~D15 select H, L, X
Qualifier>, <, =
Time setup20ns~10s
CursorManual mode:
Voltage difference between cursors (∆V) Time difference between cursors (∆T) Reciprocal of ∆T in Hertz (1/∆T)Track: Voltage value for Y-axis waveform Time value for X-axis waveformAuto: Cursors are visible for Automatic Measurement
Auto MeasurementVpp, Vamp, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, Vavg, Vrms, Overshoot, Preshoot, Freq, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Width, -Width, +Duty, -Duty, Delay1→2 , Delay1→2
Display Type5.7 in. (145 mm) diagonal TFT Liquid Crystal Display
Display Resolution320 horizontal × RGB× 234 vertical pixels
Display Colour64K color
Display Contrast (typical)150:1
Backlight Brightness (typical)300 nit
Standard PortsUSB Host, USB Device, LAN, AUX Output (TrigOut/PassFail)
General Specifications
Supply Voltage100 ~ 240 VACRMS, 45~440Hz, CAT II
Power ConsumptionLess than 50W
Fuse2A, T rating, 250 V
Ambient TemperatureOperating 10℃~ 40℃, Non-operating -20℃~ +60℃
Cooling MethodFan force air flow
Humidity+35℃ or below: ≤90% relative humidity, +35℃~ +40℃: ≤60% relative humidity
AltitudeOperating 3,000 m or below, Non-operating 15,000 m or below
SizeW: 303mm,  H: 154mm, D: 133mm
WeightWithout Package: 2.4kg, Packaged: 3.8 kg
Calibration IntervalThe recommended calibration interval is one year


Specifications are liable to change. For the full list of Specifications, please see the products datasheet located under the ‘Documentation’ tab.

19 reviews for Rigol DS1102E 100MHz Digital Oscilloscope

  1. Charles E

    A great entry level oscilloscope with plenty of functionality. Manual (downloadable) is clear and well written.

  2. Graham M

    Replacement for old analogue scope
    Excellent value. All the features I need. bmp download to external documents. Excellent measurement features

  3. Alex

    Well worth the money

  4. Kirk

    Very professional, prompt and friendly
    I’m embarrassed that with Christmas I’ve not yet had chance to use the ‘scope – but I have every confidence it will work! The delivery – and care taken to get the correct address – was very smooth.

  5. David I

    Just what I needed
    I resisted the advice of my radio Amateur friends to buy a second hand dinosaur from a rally and went for a new Rigol dso. I wanted something I could rely on and that didn’t take up all of my limited bench space. It does everything I want and lots more without messing about. I’m beginning a new subject in my retirement years and I have much to learn from this scope that I don’t yet understand, but I’m sure that I will grow into it, the online manual is very detailed and easy to read
    The customer service I’ve received is excellent and I’m sure that if I should encounter any problems (unlikely) I’m confident they’ll be resolved quickly without hassle. Delivery was free and it was at my door in less than 24 hours and I even got a nice little DMM for free!
    The instrument is excellent value for money and worth every penny. And, after all, I just spent more than this on a new pair of spectacles!

  6. Bernard P

    all well packed good service

  7. Nigel H

    Very quick, and with proper paperwork
    Arrived next day after ordering, within stated delivery window. Couldn’t be better. And there was no chasing after the VAT invoice. That was just sent automatically. So much better than certain large American online retailers who don’t care about such things.

  8. Dr Jeff E

    Telonic & Rigol DS1102E
    I ordered this in a hurry at the end of the Christmas period and was impressed with Telonic’s response and speedy shipment.

    As for the DS1102E, this is my second Rigol – my previous is over 12 years old and still going strong, I bought this one as a replacement and am impressed. Every bit as good as ever, with a whole host of minor improvements.

    In my 40 years as an electronics engineer, I can say I have never experienced such good value for money as this range of ‘scopes.

  9. Stephen B

    Excellent all round.
    Despite the carrier’s best attempts to destroy it (there was a large hole in the side of the box which went through both boxes) the oscilloscope seems to be working well and fully living up to expectations though not yet thoroughly tested.
    Excellent service (following day delivery) and good quality products.

  10. Eric T

    DS1102E Digital oscilloscope
    Although the most basic of the range I was left astounded at its capability. A good buy.

  11. m h

    Excellent value
    Lovely scope, very good value for money. Sturdy build. Telonic has provided an excellent service so far, I’d recommend them. You get a nice boxed scope with all the accessories to get started. It’s easy to use. I had no problems with the menu or controls. The PC instrument control program is NI VISA based. Works without a flaw. I haven’t found any bugs in the firmware so far, looks a mature instrument. USB works flawlessly, too. Fan is noisy, but there are fixes to that if it really annoys you. It’s fine by me. All in all, I’m happy with my purchase.

  12. Paul H

    Rigol DS1102E
    Earlier this year I purchased a Siglent SDS1152CML 7″ TFT LCD 150MHz and I only had it for 2 weeks when it failed. So I sent it back to China. What I saw of it, when it was working, I wasn’t too impressed. The only reasonable thing was it had a 7″ screen and more buttons that were poorly laid out.

    Well I have bought a Rigol DS1102E and now I am very much impressed with the design and the functionality. The layout is just the way I like, it looks and feels good. I cannot find anything I don’t like about it and for the price you definitely wont do better

    The people at TELONIC are extremely helpful and I am so sorry I didn’t go there in the first place. If you are thinking of buying one, look no further, this is the place.

  13. Stuart

    Excellent Service, communications and super quick delivery.
    Don’t bother with eBay this scope was £45 less from Rigol uk and I didn’t have to wait for weeks for delivery from China.
    If I upgrade in the future I will buy from Rigol uk again

  14. Ben F

    Very Good Service and Super Value Product
    I bought one of these scopes for bench use and diagnostics in basic prototyping projects. This replaced an old analogue scope (a venerable Telequipment D43R) and there is a world of difference. Smaller, lighter, minimal power consumption with very accurate measurements and single button ‘Auto’ set to get a good trace up without a need to fiddle are all great.
    Telonic (Rigol-UK) were great in communication and test each unit before shipping, so far less risk of arriving with faults so I’m glad that I bought here directly via the official route (still great value for what you get in a 100Mhz scope) but don’t have the risk and hassle associated with buying from ‘other internet marketplaces’.

    All in all – good product, great value, great supplier to deal with.

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DS1102E oscilloscope.

  15. John A

    Excellent Service
    Instrument arrived in good time and functions perfectly, simple as that 🙂

  16. Tim J

    My new scope… Excellent value for money Telonic
    I bought this instrument primarily to solve a specific problem in a new micro-controller PCB. It’s a sign of how times have changed when I can say “Ah, I can’t figure out what that signal’s doing, I’ll buy a new scope and have a look.” Once upon a time it would have cost half my project budget to do that.

    Excellent value for money. (Not the most intuitive of user interfaces, but it crams a lot of features into a small dashboard, and it does what it says on the tin. It didn’t take very long to get it to show me what I needed to see, and to discover that I was barking up the wrong tree. No complaints.

    [INFO ADDED BY TELONIC: see also new DS1000Z series – 4ch with latest control menus, upgrade options and has many more easy-to-use functions included as standard… https://www.rigol-uk.co.uk/Rigol-Digital-Oscilloscopes-DS1000Z-Series-s/1921.htm ]

  17. James D

    My Rigol DS1102E
    I am very happy with my Rigol DS1102E Oscilloscope. I really appreciate the speed my order was dealt with.
    However, there was one aspect of the product that distracted me: the fan noise. I have now replaced it with a Noctua fan resulting in a much reduced noise level. The construction of the unit means that the airflow from the fan has to pass through two (inner and outer) case grills which boost the noise effect. This still remains with the new fan. However, the total noise level is now much more comfortable and acceptable.

  18. Ron

    First time DSO user
    The Rigol works great out of the box but you need the full manual (available on CD & online) to get the best out of it. The software is also neat, giving you control of the DSO from your PC with a big clear display on the PC. Some things (eg cursors) are slow on the PC so get the setup you want using the DSO then switch to PC control to capture the images. The 1102 is good value for me as I am interested in RF applications. Fancier models give bigger screens and more channels, but I usually only use 1 channel so no need.

    A nicely made piece of kit at a good price that sits unobtrusively on the bench, what more could one want?

  19. CJ

    First Time User
    I’ve always been amazed by oscilloscopes and their operators. An expensive, complicated machine that has been way out of reach from hobbyists until recently.

    I’ve been struggling to with electronic circuits and decided that now was the time to buy one. The prices are reasonable and the equipment doesn’t need a huge workbench anymore!

    I decided on Telonic for a variety of reasons. Cost was a big factor, a decent, usable website and various methods of communication if I either needed help or wasn’t happy with my purchase were the others..

    I’m pleased to say that everything went well. The scope is great, it’s portable, well documented, well built and very suitable for my hobbyist needs.

    I’m hoping it’s going to help expand my knowledge very quickly. I’ve already built a colpitts oscillator and used the scope to measure see it’s clean sine wave at 10MHz. It’s amazing when you see it for the first time from a scope that you own.

    Thanks Telonic for the great service.

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