Rigol DS1052E 50MHz Digital Oscilloscope

(17 customer reviews)

£320.00 (£384.00 inc VAT)

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Rigol DS1052E Digital Oscilloscope

The DS1052E has a 50MHz bandwidth, 1GSa/s maximum sample rate and 2-channels. An excellent entry-level oscilloscope at a bargain price, the Rigol DS1052E digital oscilloscope is a sensible choice for the occasional user or hobbyist new to electronics. Other features include; a memory depth of 1Mpts, versatile trigger functions, maths functions including the FFT and digital filters, record and replay, roll mode, alternate trigger mode and pass / fail test. Several options are available – Please refer to the “Optional Accessories” tab above.


  • 50MHz bandwidth, 2 channels
  • 1GSa/s real time sample rate
  • Memory depth up to 1Mpts
  • Versatile trigger functions
  • 5.7″ QVGA (320 x 240) display
  • Waveform record and replay function
  • Built-in FFT and digital filters
  • Pass/fail test
  • PictBridge support
  • Connectivity: USB Host & Device, RS232
  • Supplied with… 2-off passive probes (150MHz), USB cable, UK & European mains leads, quick guide
  • Options include… USB-GPIB module, soft carry bag, Telonic Standard Calibration, RCL 17025 Calibration


Sampling ModesReal-Time
Sampling Rate1GSa/s, 200MSa/s
AveragesN time acquisitions, all channels simultaneously, N is selectable from 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 and 256.
Input CouplingDC, AC, GND
Input Impedance1MΩ± 2%, in parallel with 15pF± 3pF
Probe Attenuation Factors1X, 5X, 10X, 50X, 100X, 500X,1000X
Maximum Input Voltage400V (DC+AC Peak, 1MΩ input impedance)
40V (DC+AC Peak)
Time Delay Between Channel (typical)500ps
Sample Rate RangeReal-Time: 13.65Sa/s-1GSa/s
Equivalent: 13.65Sa/s-25GSa/s
Waveform InterpolationSin(x)/x
Scan Speed Range2ns/div~50s/div, DS1102X
5ns/div~50s/div, DS1052X
1-2-5 Sequence
Sample Rate and Delay Time± 50ppm (over any 1ms time interval)
Delta Time Measurement Accuracy (Full Bandwidth)Single-shot: ± (1 sample interval + 50ppm × reading + 0.6 ns)
>16 averages: ± (1sample interval + 50ppm × reading + 0.4 ns)
A/D Converter8-bit resolution, each channel samples simultaneously[2]
Volts/div Range2mV/div~10V/div at input BNC
Maximum InputAnalog channel maximum input voltage
CAT I 300Vrms, 1000Vpk;instantaneous voltage 1000Vpk CAT II 100Vrms,1000Vpk
RP2200 10:1:CAT II 300Vrms RP3200 10:1:CAT II 300Vrms RP3300 10:1:CAT II 300Vrms
Offset Range± 40V(200mV-10V), ± 2V(2mV-100mV)
Analogue Bandwidth100MHz (DS1102D,DS1102E)
50MHz (DS1052D, DS1052E)
Single-shot Bandwidth80MHz (DS1102D, DS1102E)
50MHz (DS1052D, DS1052E)
Selectable Analog Bandwidth Limit (typical)20MHz
Lower Frequency Limit (AC –3dB)≤5Hz (at input BNC)
Rise Time at BNC, typical<3.5ns, <7ns,
On (100M, 50M) respectively
DC Gain Accuracy2mV/div-5mV/div:
± 4% (Sample or Average acquisition mode) 10mV/div-10V/div:
± 3% (Sample or Average acquisition mode)
DC Measurement Accuracy, Average Acquisition ModeAverage of ≥16 Waveforms with vertical position at zero: ± (DC Gain Accuracy× reading+0.1div+1mV)
Average of ≥16 Waveforms with vertical position not at zero: ±[DC Gain Accuracy× (reading+vertical position)+(1% of vertical position) + 0.2div]
Add 2mV for settings from 2mV/div to 200 mV/div
Delta Volts Measurement Accuracy (Average Acquisition Mode)Delta Volts between any two averages of 16 waveforms acquired under same setup and ambient
conditions: ± (DC Gain Accuracy× reading + 0.05 div)
Trigger Sensitivity0.1div~1.0div (adjustable)
Trigger Level RangeInternal: ± 5 divisions from center of screen
External: ± 1.2V
Trigger Level Accuracy (typical) applicable for the signal of rising and falling time ≥20nsInternal: ± (0.3div × V/div)(± 4 divisions from center of screen)
External: ± (6% of setting + 200 mV)
Trigger OffsetNormal mode: pre-trigger (262144/ sampling rate), delayed trigger 1s
Slow Scan mode: pre-trigger 6div, delayed trigger 6div
Trigger Holdoff range100ns~1.5s
Set Level to 50% (Typical)Input signal frequency ≥50Hz
Edge trigger slopeRising, Falling, Rising + Falling
Trigger condition(>, <, =) Positive pulse, (>, <, =) negative pulse
Pulse Width range20ns ~10s
Video standard & line frequencySupport standard NTSC, PAL and SECAM broadcast systems. Line number range: 1~525 (NTSC) and 1~625 (PAL/SECAM)
Trigger condition(>, <, =) Positive slope, (>, <, =) negative slope
Time setting20ns~10s
Trigger on CH1Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope
Trigger on CH2Edge, Pulse, Video, Slope
Trigger modeD0~D15 select H, L, X, ,
Trigger TypeD0~D15 select H, L, X
Qualifier>, <, =
Time setup20ns~10s
CursorManual mode:
Voltage difference between cursors (∆V) Time difference between cursors (∆T) Reciprocal of ∆T in Hertz (1/∆T)Track: Voltage value for Y-axis waveform Time value for X-axis waveformAuto: Cursors are visible for Automatic Measurement
Auto MeasurementVpp, Vamp, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, Vavg, Vrms, Overshoot, Preshoot, Freq, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Width, -Width, +Duty, -Duty, Delay1→2 , Delay1→2
Display Type5.7 in. (145 mm) diagonal TFT Liquid Crystal Display
Display Resolution320 horizontal × RGB× 234 vertical pixels
Display Colour64K color
Display Contrast (typical)150:1
Backlight Brightness (typical)300 nit
Standard PortsUSB Host, USB Device, LAN, AUX Output (TrigOut/PassFail)
General Specifications
Supply Voltage100 ~ 240 VACRMS, 45~440Hz, CAT II
Power ConsumptionLess than 50W
Fuse2A, T rating, 250 V
Ambient TemperatureOperating 10℃~ 40℃, Non-operating -20℃~ +60℃
Cooling MethodFan force air flow
Humidity+35℃ or below: ≤90% relative humidity, +35℃~ +40℃: ≤60% relative humidity
AltitudeOperating 3,000 m or below, Non-operating 15,000 m or below
SizeW: 303mm,  H: 154mm, D: 133mm
WeightWithout Package: 2.4kg, Packaged: 3.8 kg
Calibration IntervalThe recommended calibration interval is one year


Specifications are liable to change. For the full list of Specifications, please see the products datasheet located under the ‘Documentation’ tab.

17 reviews for Rigol DS1052E 50MHz Digital Oscilloscope

  1. Michael H


  2. David

    Great scope for the money.
    Delivered quickly, well packaged and in perfect condition.

    Scope is very responsive and easy to use. I was worried that the screen resolution could be a bit higher, but it’s clear and there’s no problems using it.

    I’ve not tried connecting to it yet, but there’s plenty of examples of Python scripting out there to get data from the scope and into a computer.

    Very happy with the scope and it works much more smoothly and with much more control than I expected from the entry level model.

  3. Gareth H

    Good service, good product
    Everything I needed. Quick delivery. Happy customer.

  4. Ian G

    Excellent value for money compared with other similar brands, superb rock steady trigger, easy to use, does what it says on the tin

  5. Mr M B

    A most pleasant purchasing experience.
    Rigol DS1052E 50MHz Digital Oscilloscope. Nice instrument, and reasonably priced for a beginner in electronics.

    Not the cheapest of the genre, but based in the UK and with full support and peace of mind. With certified firmware upgrade and dated safety document included.

    Pre-delivery liaison courteous and accurate. Overall, a pleasant experience.

  6. robert m

    rigol ds1052e buying experience
    good comminication from the start made this a very pleasant buying experience and the oscilloscope is a top quality instrument and very solidly
    built It should give me years of good service with all the features I will require
    for my hobby use much appreciate the free dvm used it to provide a square
    wave signal to learn the many fine features this instrument provides.
    only wish I had bought this first instead of wasting my time and money
    on the usb pc oscilloscopes because the ds1052e outclasses all these.

    thanks for the very good service and fine oscilloscope

  7. Stuart

    Rigol DS1052E
    Right price, right delivery – Just what I needed – No worries

  8. Ramkumar J

    rigol purchasre review
    it would be nice if the company made it clear that it was close for a long period for Christmas. When customers like us order we look for the best price and a quick delivery day and not the company’s closing policy.If the company was closed they should not reply stating that that your order has been received unless it is automated which is very very deceiving

  9. Danny T

    Superb Digital Scope
    This has to be the easiest to use ‘scope that I have laid hands on. Within seconds of power up I was up and running, working through the features and settings that I would typically use. I’d venture that absolutely anyone could use one of these with minimal instruction. Very compact, light and highly portable the DS1052E is a great all-rounder. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a professional-class device.

  10. LIVIA D

    Speedy delivery. Securely packed. Brilliant price.
    Although Rigol Uk did confuse me by naming their communications as Telonics!

  11. Philip T

    Purchase of Rigol DS1052E scope
    A good buying experience. I ordered at around 2.00 pm. and the scope was delivered free next day. I chose Rigol because I wanted a proper standalone budget bench scope with a good specification. The model is quite old but has good Youtube/forum reviews, and because it’s been around for some time it’s quite likely that any gremlings have already been ironed out. There were other generic brand scopes that offered a better screen resolution than the Rigol, at a similar price, but I was not confident of the after sales support for these brands. Telonic Intruments are the official UK Rigol dealer. The 3 year guarantee gave me confidence that I would not be left with a Turkey. As a UK buyer, talking to technical support in Wokingham is a lot better than trying to get support out of China, or an ebay/Amazon reseller!

  12. Mark T

    DS1052E Very pleased-will recommend you to friends
    Thanks very much for your help on the phone and the quick turnaround afterwards. You and your company (RIGOL-uk team at Telonic Ltd.) were a pleasure to deal with, and I won’t hesitate to recommend you to friends and colleagues.

    The scope arrived this afternoon, in plenty of time, and after putting it through its paces tonight I’m very pleased with it.

    Telonic comment: Thanks for your kind review on the Rigol DS1052E oscilloscope.

  13. Rod C

    1st class service- DS1052E UK stockist Telonic Ltd
    DS1052E deal is everything I expected.
    I appreciate the UK safety test, and general inspection!
    The delivery with predicted timing by Telonic’s courier worked excellently well – such a relief not to wait around. I have started working with it and will no doubt use it a great deal –
    … thanks very much indeed to RIGOL-UK.co.uk and the Telonic Team for the first class UK service.

    – Rod Coleman

  14. Ivan G

    Good service and product
    Very good oscilloscope for the price. It might take a bit of time to get your head around it, but it is indeed a very decent piece of equipment.

  15. David P

    Good Service and Good Product.
    I was very pleased with the service I received from the company, the prompt and well organised delivery system and the excellent product. I would not hesitate to highly recommend the company .

  16. Stuart

    Excellent Kit
    Really fast delivery with a follow up call from sales dept checking everything was ok.
    The scope is easy to use having had 2 old analog scopes in the past.

    Great value for money.

  17. Steve

    Excellent Service / Great Entry Level Scope
    Telonic / Rigol UK pulled out all the stops to arrange a delivery of this scope for today ahead of me being away on trip next week. Very impressed with level of service offered and great communications from a great company. Will recommend you to my colleagues and business contacts.

    This scope works a treat – entry level yes, but at a great price point and has a great many uses around the design lab.

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